Ramblings as we journey through the rollercoaster called life!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Who to Give to?

This is typical. My mailbox is full of groups wanting donations. The pile you see before you is just environmental groups - not even radical ones but ones to safe parts of land, ocean or animals.
I think I only gave to one or two. Now I have been definitely sold on some mailing list.

I use to feel guilty with the little gifts they sent - address labels, wrapping paper, tote bags - and I would donate to send something to cover those costs. But now - I didn't ask for this & it is too much. It is a waste & probably kills more trees by printing all this junk!

We try to be generous. It just seems that it is becoming too much lately. Now we are doing more local donations. Specific to our community or near by city that has homeless shelters & food kitchens. We also give to local animal shelters and to specific school projects. Lastly, not so local but to Star*fish & Love w/o Boundari*s but obviously near to my heart.

PS sorry but it seems that I have been a "once-a-month-poster" and now should have a a little more time this month write more. Although, I still check in with some of you regularly.


Anonymous said...

We all seem to be slacking on our post.....but I am trying to get back into it.
We get the same "money envelopes" too....(well, maybe not that many...LOL). I give to St. Judes Hospital and love to do it, but once you start, you can wait for the envelopes. I send something about every 3rd envelope, but I'll always check each one for the return labels. :-)
We recently did a local dog walk for the humane society. The kids loved it! We brought tator...he loved it too!

"M2" said...

this is hysterical to me

my camera died, but I pro mise I was in the mind to photo all my address labels and free notepads and cards.
I get literally 4-8 mutilated abused animal on the envelop every day in the mail
seals clubbed, dogs in labs
my mail makes me wanna shoot myself.

sometimes I can summon anger and simply remove the labels for safe keeping and pitch the letter/money request without looking

it's too much.

insanemommy said...

Oh, g-d do I hear you!!! Seems the money envelopes start rolling in the same time every year.