Ramblings as we journey through the rollercoaster called life!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Quick update

- we dropped out of puppy class. Our dog is still wild. Couldn't handle having the biggest problem dog in class.
- Was passed up on promotion- dealing with it.
- waiting impatiently for next job assignment.
- Celebrated 17 yrs marriage- we've come a long way, baby!
- Found this year very introspective yet I am seeing the bigger picture
- built my trust in God with stronger faith
- My boys are growing in young adults & each stage give us a new perspective
- still waiting to adopt, never sure if we are going to if it takes as long as they predict
- I have great friends & family support, I have had more coffee house chats with them this year than I have my entire life!

I hope to be back into this blog this summer. I do make up posts in my head but missing some of that old zeal I had to continue. Off to Mexico for 10 days in June to visit my mother. I need this vacation.


Operationtigerlily said...

Glad to 'see' you back writing. I'll be in Mexico in June too, maybe we'll bump into each other.

"M2" said...

can I come with you

that's too funny about the puppy class

you fail to mention that you can train dogs quite well

what's wrong with this picture???