Ramblings as we journey through the rollercoaster called life!

Monday, December 17, 2007


First look at the pictures....

The CRIME....


In trying to keep up with some holiday traditions, we made cookies. I am a bit busy so I bought those slice & bake ones. See kids decorated and we had cookies for Santa- Viola!
Well, this morning apparently the dog got up first and took care of some of them!
My fault for leaving them on the table - but this is the first time she EVER has taken food off the table. Usually we don't leave food on the table - hmmm. I did worry about her sugar intake- so outside she goes until we see the effects....

PS WE still love her and wouldn't get rid of her...The kids were worried that I was selling her on ebay:)


Barkfoot said...

The evidence is purely circumstantial, you'll never make it stick. I quote test case " 'Lucky' versus Mrs.Timmins missing pie"!

"M2" said...

that claim would never hold up in court.

Tessa ate my whole dinner 3 nights ago. The phone rang and she elongated her self and reached waaaaaaaaay back on the counter
ate it all!

actually I know a lady who left shortbread butter cookies out and her dog ate them all
ended up dying from pancreatitis
Christmas day.....
isn't that awful???

Operationtigerlily said...

My bassett hound ate a whole box of Bisquick once and she survived. Pooped busicuts for a month but other than that, fine.

insanemommy said...

She doesn't look guilty. Are you sure it wasn't "Santa"?