Ramblings as we journey through the rollercoaster called life!

Monday, December 10, 2007

The winning photo

I just want to update from a previous post that this is the photo that won 1st in photography at the local nature center art competition. I went to look at the other photos on display. There were lots of frogs and dragon flies. There were some amazing views of nature. I feel very honored. I guess the unique thing about this photo is that G-man was one of two humans actually in a photo.
I went to a nice reception and rec'd a gift certificate towards a program there. G-man likes the summer nature camps - we will probably use it for that.
I am inspired to take a class at our local center for the arts called Right brain photography. I am very excited. It will be from 7-10pm . Will I be able to stay awake? Probably- it will be tough to sleep after actually engaging the brain.
I will post some pics once it starts in Jan for review.
As always - thank you for the kind words of support in the comments towards the photos.

1 comment:

insanemommy said...

Way to go girl! Great shot too.