Ramblings as we journey through the rollercoaster called life!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Photo Class

I signed up for a photography class. It is called Right brain photography. Our instructor seems really good at this. He has been teaching at many area colleges and still keeps a full time job as a scientist. I think that is what peaked my interest besides the need for some challenging fun with my hobby.

I had my first class last week. There are only 7 of us. Three teens and two middle age men and another women a bit older than me. Our instructor doesn't seem to like digital but said two of us can. He said that the benefit of digital is self gratification. Uh - yeah- I agreed plus trying to get a picture of active boys - I want to know I got the memory in some form.

We were told to find a photographer we liked and find one with our similar style. Our first photographic assignment was "Eggs." Interpret as you like but pay attention to the lighting he said.
I like people pictures- expressions and something to bring people out. He is preferring we do studio work to be reproducible. I didn't get moved by this topic. I have attached a few. I had to doctor them in photoshop. These are not favorites (thank goodness for digital to delete later). I did try to get my son to drop the egg and I wanted to get it just as it was cracking on the plate. In my head it looked lovely. after a dozen eggs - it wasn't working. Timing, speed of camera. I do have a digital SLR, but still sometimes slow. Mostly caused by my lack of patience and interest. We gave up.

I hope for something else tonight. We have to share our pictures. This is hard for me. I can put my work online but then I don't have to see if you liked them or not.
Another assignment was to read the camera manual. Tonight is my class, I have pictures and a photographer but only a part of the manual( Very dry...). Just not really enough time.


insanemommy said...

What is laying on the eggs? A moth?

"M2" said...

I think the egg cracking one is fantastic

our uncle is a "table top" photographer

a big one.......

he'd use that egg