Ramblings as we journey through the rollercoaster called life!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

CNC photo

This is the dragonfly picture. What I entered in the contest was: enlarge to 11x14 two of the photo and using an exacto knife to cut out the wings and put glue under it to raise them. It looks 3-D and sort of like it is flying. I finished it by putting a dark blue mat around it.

I just found out that I am one of winners in the photo category. I don't know which one won but I am guessing it is the dragon fly.

I really enjoyed the diversion to mess around with my hobby. It is expensive at times so you have to be choosey. I'll need to get a paying job to continue this - but then you don't have the TIME to take the pictures....Catch 22
My church asked if I wanted to set up a display of photos in the fornt hall. Now I am working on a theme- Nature or kids. Maybe two displays... Hmmm


Mamacita said...

That is absolutely beautiful! You are talented! I bet it looks so cool raised, matted and framed. Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Let us know which photo won...

redmaryjanes said...

Congratulations on winning! That is an amazing photo.

Elizabeth said...

Awesome! You know I like it.

"M2" said...
