It is kind of late and I am having trouble focusing. I will share some tidbits of the day with you.
Bleary eyed- I meet my grandmother in the kitchen - trying to get some coffee going for us. She tells me " I am done cooking- I am on vacation." Uh - ok- She made an egg side dish last night while I made breakfast, lunch & dinner. But not necessary - I'll cover.
She told me she doesn't like my driving. I have a clean record (please don't jinx me...). I have a minivan- I know the corners and I guess I was getting too close to cars when I was parking. I did NOT ask her to get out and walk.
We went to our mall today and lost my grandmother for a half an hour. She is not very tall so you cannot see her at a distance. I decided I would hear her. Yep. Sure enough, she started yelling in Target for me. I hesitated only a few moments before claiming her.
She insisted on buying my oldest son, who came with us, a backpack. She told me my other son did not need one. She was right in that he won one earlier in the summer BUT I have a tough time playing favorites. My youngest will certainly notice not returning with a little something for him. I showed her some books he would like, she didn't bite. So I bought him one. When we got home she said" Your mother bought this for you, I think you have plenty."
OK- uhm...we will have to discuss this tonight at bedtime.
Our mall is nothing like New York City - I was told a hundred times- yah- this is the midwest mid size town.....Still we have pretty much everything you could want and more. If she saw something that was pricey - she told me the store was "ridiculous". If she saw something for a bargain- it was "junk". Nope she didn't buy anything for herself. If she needs something "New York stores" will have it.
Another store she was looking for PJs. Jokingly I found a sexy nightie and brought it over to her as a joke. She saw it and said it was "nice" and that she would buy if for me to show my husband! Argh - PLEASE don't go there. I put it back and told him about it when we got home. We both agree - not an area to go to.
I took them to see a minor league baseball game. We have our first year of one of the Dogers Farm teams. It is a nice stadium and very family friendly. Cheap, clean and easy to get to. The reserved seats were sold out so I opted for lawn seats. My grandfather insisted on carrying our collapsible lawn chairs. When we got to the four flights of stairs up - I grabbed them and told him to take my grandmother's arm. He is actually the unstable one but so Dang proud. I understand I am still a child in his eyes, but I wish he would let me help more.
We made it through to the 7th inning. Once the sun went down- I think she was getting chilled in her sweater and jacket. It was about 65 degrees but a slight wind. My boys were not too pleased when I told them to pack up but didn't have a fit, surprisingly. I didn't realize that my grandfather promised ice cream when we were leaving.
Great. Ice cream at 9:30 at night with my two wildcats.
I was told NOT to nag the kids and let them get WHATEVER they want. Luckily, the gal serving us was a former student and I snuck over to her while faking a restroom trip and told her to cut the sizes down.
My grandmother has been feeding my dog "stuff". My dog really doesn't do well with anything but un-dyed dog food. My dog has a "sensitive" stomach. We returned home after the game- yep - my dog showed them first hand what garbage food can do to her. Of course, my grandmother swears that she didn't give her much.
We also received 5lbs of cookies from a New York bakery today. My grandmother said that these are the best and that way she could have some "good" cookies with her coffee. Five pounds is a lot. They really haven't been eating much. I hope the cookies can freeze for holidays. My kids haven't finished with the bag of candy yet.
The TV is on a lot more than usual. My grandmother calls it the "idiot box". Yet, they put it on for noise. See- I like quiet now, I am tired of noise. Ok, whatever makes them happy. Idiot is also a word that we don't approve of, especially around my youngest. He rationalizes that if he knows of someone who did something in the grey zone of right & wrong - THEN it must be ok for him! I am not sure what movies my youngest was watching while we were at the mall but he told me he saw a person lose their head. Yeah- mommy is almost there too...Just kidding...
My oldest was reading and my grandmother said "this is good to see you being so smart" and that she likes to read too. She showed him her book. She reads Harlequin Romance books. He kind of jumped when he saw the cover of hers and recovered quickly with "you can read mine when you are done."
Tomorrow we are planning to stay home. I have some work stuff to do. Maybe a walk in our local city gardens but I think they are tired.
I am trying to "sneak" in hugs when ever I can to both. I am laughing a lot having them here in a good way. I need to get more pictures of them together and sneak a few of those special moments in too when they aren't looking.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Who's the Boss?
My father picked up my grandparents at the airport and drove them halfway to meet my dH yesterday. We have a switchero spot- a gas station where we hustle two elderly people out of one van into another with suitcases. Maybe I should get darker sunglasses too.
I was told they would be at my house by 4pm. I needed to pick up a prescription for my son so at 5 pm, I left a note that I'd be right back. Of course, they came during the 10 minutes I was gone. My grandmother's first words to me were "Where were you? Why weren't you here? We flew out to see you. I missed you."
She looks really well. She is 5 ft and holding. Reddish hair and spunky. My grandfather seemed to be a bit jet lagged and tired. I steer him to the couch. He didn't say much - but then again he doesn't get a chance. She is whispering a lot to me about him being forgetful. He can hear her, she has the hearing aids. So I think the grin on his face is a "whatever" look.
She greets us and tells my oldest that he is too skinny. Pulls out a bag (see photo) of candy for them. She opens it and starts to give them some. I say "how about after dinner?" My kids aren't the best eaters. She looked at me and mumbles to them "Your mother is a fuddie-duddie." Tells me to "stop being a nag and a few pieces won't hurt nobody."
Also whispers to the boys "what your mother doesn't know, won't matter" and continues to give them more candy to eat.
They boys look at me and then at her. She says- "of course they'll eat dinner."
I caved. Not like it mattered anyway.

Dinner or Dessert - you decide?
My son has a cough - I had it checked out anyway before they came since I don't want them to get sick. The cough is more of a hack and sounds terrible. He coughed in front of her and she said "uh-oh. No coughing allowed here, mister!" She said it loudly and sharply as a joke but it scared my 10 yr old.
In tears he said "I can't help it." I had to explain it to him - yelling is common with some of my relatives - it isn't that you are in trouble - it is just the way to be heard over all the other relatives. We really don't yell in our house. I grew-up with lots of good & bad yelling so we generally keep our voices even.
Dinner went well. Just your basic chicken & cheese dish. When I put a few carrots on her dish, she replies "let's not get crazy with the vegetables, shall we?" My children look at me and grin.
My grandparents wanted their "coffee" with dessert. I forget - it this an East Coast thing? I don't know many people who do it here.
My grandmother insisted on putting the milk in a creamer (to serve two mugs of coffee) and asked me if I had real cup & saucers. I'll get those out for tomorrow.
We watched a little TV. They like to watch CSI and JAG. It was a rerun so my grandfather & Dh watched the baseball game. That gave my grandmother & I some more time to talk. She showed me pictures (about 50+) of her other great grandson from my cousin. He is the first great grandchild from my aunt's children and well photographed. She got teary about missing family, and that we are so far away. I never know what to say. I replied "but you are here now. I am so glad you were able to visit with me too!"
I understand how this is difficult. Where she grew up - everyone lived in the same area. Her parents lived down the street.Her brothers & sisters called every day - those were your "friends." They lived not more than 5 minutes away. I used to spend 2 weeks every summer with my sister there and it was always a party. People would come by for "coffee & cake." We live in the midwest, they are in the south and some cousins still live in the East. Families are now widespread. I think she was planning on all of us living nearby too. She really never developed any hobbies or made any friends outside the family. I see her loneliness and *mental note* need to call & visit more.
Tucking my son into bed- asks " Mom, is she the boss of you?"
I reply " well, sort of." (Parenting helps you with lack of commitment)
He asks again "I mean, do you have to do what she says?"
I reply "It is respectful to do what she asks. So yes, I listen to her."
Now he gets this really big wide grin on his face. I think he has a plan in the works.
Side note: We tried to discuss 6 months ago, that we were adopting from China. She didn't understand. She said all those things you are not suppose to say. I really wasn't insulted. I do know that I will try to shelter my daughter from comments like those later. If I was adopting from Italy or US then it would make more sense to them. We won't be bringing it up while they are here.
I was told they would be at my house by 4pm. I needed to pick up a prescription for my son so at 5 pm, I left a note that I'd be right back. Of course, they came during the 10 minutes I was gone. My grandmother's first words to me were "Where were you? Why weren't you here? We flew out to see you. I missed you."
She looks really well. She is 5 ft and holding. Reddish hair and spunky. My grandfather seemed to be a bit jet lagged and tired. I steer him to the couch. He didn't say much - but then again he doesn't get a chance. She is whispering a lot to me about him being forgetful. He can hear her, she has the hearing aids. So I think the grin on his face is a "whatever" look.
She greets us and tells my oldest that he is too skinny. Pulls out a bag (see photo) of candy for them. She opens it and starts to give them some. I say "how about after dinner?" My kids aren't the best eaters. She looked at me and mumbles to them "Your mother is a fuddie-duddie." Tells me to "stop being a nag and a few pieces won't hurt nobody."
Also whispers to the boys "what your mother doesn't know, won't matter" and continues to give them more candy to eat.
They boys look at me and then at her. She says- "of course they'll eat dinner."
I caved. Not like it mattered anyway.
Dinner or Dessert - you decide?
My son has a cough - I had it checked out anyway before they came since I don't want them to get sick. The cough is more of a hack and sounds terrible. He coughed in front of her and she said "uh-oh. No coughing allowed here, mister!" She said it loudly and sharply as a joke but it scared my 10 yr old.
In tears he said "I can't help it." I had to explain it to him - yelling is common with some of my relatives - it isn't that you are in trouble - it is just the way to be heard over all the other relatives. We really don't yell in our house. I grew-up with lots of good & bad yelling so we generally keep our voices even.
Dinner went well. Just your basic chicken & cheese dish. When I put a few carrots on her dish, she replies "let's not get crazy with the vegetables, shall we?" My children look at me and grin.
My grandparents wanted their "coffee" with dessert. I forget - it this an East Coast thing? I don't know many people who do it here.
My grandmother insisted on putting the milk in a creamer (to serve two mugs of coffee) and asked me if I had real cup & saucers. I'll get those out for tomorrow.
We watched a little TV. They like to watch CSI and JAG. It was a rerun so my grandfather & Dh watched the baseball game. That gave my grandmother & I some more time to talk. She showed me pictures (about 50+) of her other great grandson from my cousin. He is the first great grandchild from my aunt's children and well photographed. She got teary about missing family, and that we are so far away. I never know what to say. I replied "but you are here now. I am so glad you were able to visit with me too!"
I understand how this is difficult. Where she grew up - everyone lived in the same area. Her parents lived down the street.Her brothers & sisters called every day - those were your "friends." They lived not more than 5 minutes away. I used to spend 2 weeks every summer with my sister there and it was always a party. People would come by for "coffee & cake." We live in the midwest, they are in the south and some cousins still live in the East. Families are now widespread. I think she was planning on all of us living nearby too. She really never developed any hobbies or made any friends outside the family. I see her loneliness and *mental note* need to call & visit more.
Tucking my son into bed- asks " Mom, is she the boss of you?"
I reply " well, sort of." (Parenting helps you with lack of commitment)
He asks again "I mean, do you have to do what she says?"
I reply "It is respectful to do what she asks. So yes, I listen to her."
Now he gets this really big wide grin on his face. I think he has a plan in the works.
Side note: We tried to discuss 6 months ago, that we were adopting from China. She didn't understand. She said all those things you are not suppose to say. I really wasn't insulted. I do know that I will try to shelter my daughter from comments like those later. If I was adopting from Italy or US then it would make more sense to them. We won't be bringing it up while they are here.
Monday, August 13, 2007
The House Guests
I am dedicating my next few posts to my house guests which are to arrive tomorrow afternoon. They are my grandparents. While I love them to pieces and appreciate that they are around to still get on a plane and fly to visit me and my sisters, they offer wonderful post opportunities.
To stereotype- they are originally from New York. They are Italian and if you ever watched "Everybody Loves Raymond" the mother is like my grandmother. She is no more than 5 ft tall and still a pistol. She - in a gentle way of putting it - doesn't understand tact. She is also my grandmother so I will never explain how what was said may be insulting. I don't really care - it gets to be funny at times. I may be drinking a lot by the end of the weeks visit -but the memories will be worth it.
Some more background on them. She calls (hollers) to him as "Skippy!" and she is his "apple of my eye." They look after each other and plan to hold hands off to heaven together. Like the Notebook movie - I believe they will.
She loves to cook but in her older age - burns most stuff now. They only like diner food and Italian. Last year we took her to a Greek restaurant and she complained loudly how awful it was. My house will never be "right" and I have no decorating taste according to her. I never call enough but when I do her hearing aids are never in.
My maiden name is mentioned in the Godfather.
My grandparents are loyal to family "blood is thicker than water" and would do anything for any member. They see me as a little girl, about 5 years old. I love them and very protective of them.
I can make light of them since I experience them for almost 4 decades now. These are not to be disrespectful but a way to remember this week.
To stereotype- they are originally from New York. They are Italian and if you ever watched "Everybody Loves Raymond" the mother is like my grandmother. She is no more than 5 ft tall and still a pistol. She - in a gentle way of putting it - doesn't understand tact. She is also my grandmother so I will never explain how what was said may be insulting. I don't really care - it gets to be funny at times. I may be drinking a lot by the end of the weeks visit -but the memories will be worth it.
Some more background on them. She calls (hollers) to him as "Skippy!" and she is his "apple of my eye." They look after each other and plan to hold hands off to heaven together. Like the Notebook movie - I believe they will.
She loves to cook but in her older age - burns most stuff now. They only like diner food and Italian. Last year we took her to a Greek restaurant and she complained loudly how awful it was. My house will never be "right" and I have no decorating taste according to her. I never call enough but when I do her hearing aids are never in.
My maiden name is mentioned in the Godfather.
My grandparents are loyal to family "blood is thicker than water" and would do anything for any member. They see me as a little girl, about 5 years old. I love them and very protective of them.
I can make light of them since I experience them for almost 4 decades now. These are not to be disrespectful but a way to remember this week.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
The Answer key:
Ok - Here are the answers-
I did go to space Camp in Huntsville Alabama with a fellow educator and had the best time. I never had so much fun earning graduate credit. I have not been in outerspace - but if they asked me to train as another teacher astronuat - I would in a heartbeat.
Well, somehow I got talked into running for Winter Carnival queen in college. Problem was - I don't have any "talent" per say. It was decided to perform a "comedy" skit. I played Marilyn Monroe as a queen candidate. I was very nervous because - comedies have to be funny and if there wasn't any laughs then I'd just die out there...BUT It did go well, I knew it would be ok because when the spotlight turned on me- my lovely blonde wig and dark eyebrows got a good laugh BEFORE I did anything. I won 1st runner up.
For my 5th wedding anniversary my Dh asked me what I would like. I replied with wanting a cool classroom pet. My husband's reply was "some women just want jewelry." The next day we were at the pet store buying a Colombian Rainbow Boa Constrictor. He is the smallest of his breed, he is about 6 months old in the picture. I kept him for 5 more years but gave him away when he couldn't stay in the classroom due to lack of heating issues in my room. He was very calm and grew to about 6 feet long. Yes, he ate live mice. I was one cool teacher!

My dream Car! Except I cannot drive a stick so I will need a cute young foreign chauffeur to take me places.

The false one is - I never threw up on Thunder Mountain - because - I don't ride rollercoasters. I have a real fear of heights. I can spin and twirl on any ride but not up. I can go to outer space because I won't see all the little people and buildings. So that is my lie.
I did go to space Camp in Huntsville Alabama with a fellow educator and had the best time. I never had so much fun earning graduate credit. I have not been in outerspace - but if they asked me to train as another teacher astronuat - I would in a heartbeat.
Well, somehow I got talked into running for Winter Carnival queen in college. Problem was - I don't have any "talent" per say. It was decided to perform a "comedy" skit. I played Marilyn Monroe as a queen candidate. I was very nervous because - comedies have to be funny and if there wasn't any laughs then I'd just die out there...BUT It did go well, I knew it would be ok because when the spotlight turned on me- my lovely blonde wig and dark eyebrows got a good laugh BEFORE I did anything. I won 1st runner up.
For my 5th wedding anniversary my Dh asked me what I would like. I replied with wanting a cool classroom pet. My husband's reply was "some women just want jewelry." The next day we were at the pet store buying a Colombian Rainbow Boa Constrictor. He is the smallest of his breed, he is about 6 months old in the picture. I kept him for 5 more years but gave him away when he couldn't stay in the classroom due to lack of heating issues in my room. He was very calm and grew to about 6 feet long. Yes, he ate live mice. I was one cool teacher!

My dream Car! Except I cannot drive a stick so I will need a cute young foreign chauffeur to take me places.

The false one is - I never threw up on Thunder Mountain - because - I don't ride rollercoasters. I have a real fear of heights. I can spin and twirl on any ride but not up. I can go to outer space because I won't see all the little people and buildings. So that is my lie.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Truth or Lie?
A&MG posted this on her site and asked others to try it. I am not good at this. Ok this is a true or false test. Teacher's hint: Four are true and one is not. Are your pencils sharpened?
1) I threw up on Thunder Mountain roller coaster.
2) I played Marilyn Monore in a talent show.
3) I went to Space Camp as an adult.
4) I owned a Boa Contrictor.
5) I cannot drive a stick shift car.
Have some fun. I am on vacation and in the boonies. I am connected now to internet by sitting in a HOliday Inn Express a half hour away. No addiction here.
1) I threw up on Thunder Mountain roller coaster.
2) I played Marilyn Monore in a talent show.
3) I went to Space Camp as an adult.
4) I owned a Boa Contrictor.
5) I cannot drive a stick shift car.
Have some fun. I am on vacation and in the boonies. I am connected now to internet by sitting in a HOliday Inn Express a half hour away. No addiction here.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
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