Ramblings as we journey through the rollercoaster called life!

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Truth or Lie?

A&MG posted this on her site and asked others to try it. I am not good at this. Ok this is a true or false test. Teacher's hint: Four are true and one is not. Are your pencils sharpened?

1) I threw up on Thunder Mountain roller coaster.

2) I played Marilyn Monore in a talent show.

3) I went to Space Camp as an adult.

4) I owned a Boa Contrictor.

5) I cannot drive a stick shift car.

Have some fun. I am on vacation and in the boonies. I am connected now to internet by sitting in a HOliday Inn Express a half hour away. No addiction here.


Mamacita said...

I'm not good at guessing, so this is perfect. #1 is false. You never threw up.

Maybe just a teeny tiny addiction?

Operationtigerlily said...

I'm going with #4 the Boa Constrictor, you gotta feed those things mice. EWWW!

Elizabeth said...

Hmmmm.... space camp is the lie?
Do tell about the snake in your garden of Eden.....

insanemommy said...

I don't think you can drive a stick shift....but I'm a terrible guesser.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to say that you did not play Marilyn Monroe in a talent show....but if I'm wrong, boy would I have loved to have seen that!

"M2" said...

I vote with mamacita...#1 is false
you'd never do space camp if you were throwing up on a rollercoaster

or maybe space camp is false because you threw up on a roller coaster

I'm still with #1