Ramblings as we journey through the rollercoaster called life!

Monday, August 13, 2007

The House Guests

I am dedicating my next few posts to my house guests which are to arrive tomorrow afternoon. They are my grandparents. While I love them to pieces and appreciate that they are around to still get on a plane and fly to visit me and my sisters, they offer wonderful post opportunities.
To stereotype- they are originally from New York. They are Italian and if you ever watched "Everybody Loves Raymond" the mother is like my grandmother. She is no more than 5 ft tall and still a pistol. She - in a gentle way of putting it - doesn't understand tact. She is also my grandmother so I will never explain how what was said may be insulting. I don't really care - it gets to be funny at times. I may be drinking a lot by the end of the weeks visit -but the memories will be worth it.

Some more background on them. She calls (hollers) to him as "Skippy!" and she is his "apple of my eye." They look after each other and plan to hold hands off to heaven together. Like the Notebook movie - I believe they will.

She loves to cook but in her older age - burns most stuff now. They only like diner food and Italian. Last year we took her to a Greek restaurant and she complained loudly how awful it was. My house will never be "right" and I have no decorating taste according to her. I never call enough but when I do her hearing aids are never in.

My maiden name is mentioned in the Godfather.

My grandparents are loyal to family "blood is thicker than water" and would do anything for any member. They see me as a little girl, about 5 years old. I love them and very protective of them.

I can make light of them since I experience them for almost 4 decades now. These are not to be disrespectful but a way to remember this week.


Mamacita said...

They sound fabulously interesting. I love elderly people who are so cute together. I have to ask....because you said "blood is thicker than water" what do they think of the new Chinese addition?

"M2" said...

My --mafia-- Italian family
has the "blood" thing too.
I wish mine were still around. I miss them terribly.
Enjoy your time with them. They sound fun, and funny...

Anonymous said...

Funny! Funny! I cannot wait to hear about them....
Bring on the stories! Make us laugh...

redmaryjanes said...

Enjoy your precious time. We are not Italian at all, but my father's mother runs our family like we are. So, I understand about blood, family and traditions. I'm so glad that they are coming to see you.