Ramblings as we journey through the rollercoaster called life!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


I make up blog entries in my head constantly - especially when I am driving. I regret not able to actually get them posted. Sometimes that is for every one's good.
I am taking a web publishing grad class. It is with a program called Dreamweaver.
I signed up thinking I could do a classroom web page and maybe change my blogs into something more. Well, I also though I was pretty decent at blogging - at least enough to have some options on a page.
I am totally lost in this class! It is from 8-5! I am dying! First I cannot get my head organized on planning the web site - I don't know why. Maybe last weeks margaritas ruined that section of the brain.
Second this program is NOT for beginners! It is like the Cadillac of design. You do everything from scratch! No templates to start with - You can BUY a template for $50+. It takes about 15- 30 min to make one button! I am sure I will learn something but I get so frustrated because I am on break and didn't plan to work that hard.
Pathetic aren't I?
Whiny too.
So my dear blogger friends- I will not leave you in this world- I may learn to jazz some stuff up but don't hold your breath.

Update on terrarium:
The missing critters are not on the ground, under the table or in the room. I just vacuumed and checked.
The big frog named Moe is gone! Black hole for sure.
We found a tree frog and green frog and added them. What the heck.

PS waiting for good news from Ms Dragonfly- I am so excited for you. And Loud secrets - I saw a color in my web class called chandelier pink. It has sparkles in it.


Elizabeth said...

thank you so much for your support. and I thinkit's way cool that you are taking a class, I'm sure you are absorbing more than you know.
I too come up with blog topics while drivning, while going for walks and while drifting off to sleep. I think it's a sickness. Sometimes I just sit down and don't think about topics , butopen up my dashboard and see what pours out. So cathartic huh?
Maybe you can design some cool blogs after you are done learning.

"M2" said...

Chandelier pink with sparkles sounds really good...

Web design is hard...we have a web site and never use the thing... and DH is a professional in IT. It takes him forever to update our website... I don't think we've done it in years.
Well.... something obviously ate your critters.........or they evaporated.