Ramblings as we journey through the rollercoaster called life!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Black Hole

Black Hole: Swirling hot gases in outer space. Largest known gravitational force in the universe. A "hole" in space so dense that even light cannot pass through. An inverted bend in time and space causing space to warp.
Yes, this must be it. I have come to the rational conclusion that there is a black hole existing in my terrarium. As many know - this terrarium of critters had become my summer project. My nemesis, way too time consuming- addictive toy- obsession.

I was given a terrarium to play with. It was missing some key parts so I used my non existent bonus to buy the parts. I paid for the finest creatures in all the land of Oz.

Some days are good, other days I consider doing CPR on a frog (never know if the handsome prince is there). My kids encourage the battle. "Save him, Mom. He just can't die- I feed him every hour." and it goes on and on.

My morning ritual is to check who is living and who has taken the easy way out and chose death to escape our house of turmoil and torture as we blunder through the How to take care of XXX.

We are learning but with a cost. My sanity is on the brink.

We started with 5 tadpoles. 3 turned into froglets and were never seen again. The other 2 just disappeared. One day the fish are there, the next day there is only one- only to mysteriously return the following day. The newt died today- he was missing for 2 days and surfaced this morning.

Current census:
2 small gold fish, a very small algae eater, a new newt, a frog, 6 sand toads and two ivy plants.

Many of our creatures "disappear." I have too many critters MIA. There seems to be a daily replacement necessary.

My theories:
1) The fish eat the tadpoles- But they are on the other side of the tank and only twice the size of tadpoles. NO way for them to get to each other unless one sprouts wings to fly over to the other side.

2) The water plants are actually carnivorous in the tank- they look so pristine and lily like. A little frog hops on the leaf to be smashed like a pancake and digested into oblivion! Cool! they only cost $1.99. What a deal.

3) There is a black hole festering in my terrarium. Things are constantly being taken into different dimensions. Some come back alive or belly up. Some decide anywhere - any warped galaxy is safer than our tank. This seems to be the only rational theory.


Elizabeth said...

that's so weird!
were the heck could they be going? did you check on the floor?
i once had a tank of guppies and they kept having more and more babies they started to jump out of my tank and i'd find them on the floor. Suicide.

Unknown said...

I did! The big frog is now gone!

"M2" said...

That is weird...
Kurt did what???

Christine said...

Oops! I was signed in as my Dh. That was me. He swore he would never post -see I knew he would one day (as me).