Ramblings as we journey through the rollercoaster called life!

Friday, June 29, 2007

A Change

I have to change my avatar. It just dawned on me that "Cute but psycho" is really not a good message to all my fellow blog friends. I just really liked the bunny. The picture is actually from a card that I sent my husband during one of those stressed out weeks.
So today I am wondering what to switch to? This is what I came up with: four choices:

1- A classic. Isn't she sweet.

2- Look at the feet of this magnificent animal. This is a Blue footed booby bird from the Galapagos Islands. I went there and this is my picture. There is a picture of this bird in my 8th science textbook. The 8th graders always get a snicker out of its name.

3- This is a tortoise from the Galapagos Islands. He was eating and very messy. My picture too.

4- My favorite dog - We lost her this past winter. Not my picture but looks like her. Kimba.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Critter update

We had to go away last weekend for 4 days. The poor terrarium was in a fragile state. I am missing 4 of the new frogs. We actually think they are small sand toads because they don't seem to like the water. I did find two before I left - floating belly up. Also one of the bullfrogs did not make it either.
OK- so I left with worry - NOT about the house on fire or being robbed - but worried and hoped that the fish & frogs make it.

Sunday we rush to the terrarium. One bullfrog tadpole (Moe)with some good looking legs, one sand toad out of the water, and two fish. Good.

Then I looked over at my very established large goldfish tank (never had a problem) and see one very rotten dead algae eater. The water in my tank was a slight brown. Not good. All the other fish are on the bottom, not moving, gulping for some clean water. Really not good.

I removed the carcass and replaced the water. Over two days I am not able to get the pH right. Two of the three fish are moving but the third is still on the bottom. This was not to be the crisis of the week - there are surely more to come.

I am thinking of a newt that can be under water and out. This may be a better pet in the terrarium than the frog- toad things that keep disappearing.

My son's hamster has lost a bunch of fur. I am told this is a food allergy. I had been feeding him premium hamster delight. Now he is on basic lab tested pellets for a week to see if that helps. He looks awful.

I don't know why I care so much about these critters. I guess it is a test of nurturing. It is kind of scary- right now I am failing with a D+. It is that high because of the effort factor....

Monday, June 25, 2007

Hockey -Hockey - Hockey

We were in Toronto for 3 days and it was a nice time. I mean hours at a hockey rink on gorgeous 75 sunny days. Where else would I rather be? Hmmm don't get me started.

Both boys were on a team. My youngest played with his spring team. They came in 3rd place. My son was able to play goalie for 3 of the 4 games. I ate TUMS like candy.

My oldest signed on a pick up team. It was what we called and international team- Canadians, Americans and one from Beijing (his parents were working in the Toronto area the summer. My Dh said he would help on the bench - that ended up meaning - he would be the coach. No problemo - I am use to this. They did well. No wins but a tie! There are some rules that are different in American & Canadian hockey. My oldest is in a non checking level. When he played in Canada - they check at his level. Unfortunately, he learned very quickly- like the rest of the Americans and were nick named them the "Goon Squad." Gee- can you tell I am a proud mother???

The place was oozing testosterone. Strategies, game plans, big sticks, expensive equipment...I wanted to chew some bubble gum and ask who just made a TOUCH DOWN and watch the reaction! I didn't- twisted thoughts stay back. Must be a survival technique.

There is a Canadian show called the Tournament. It is about fanatical hockey parents. I can't watch it after two episodes since I am afraid I am living some of it.

I hope next year we can stay and actually do some touristy things.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

What makes you tick? Part 1

Do you follow the rules?
Bend the rules?
Stretch the rules?
Make your own rules?
Ignore the rules?
Break the rules?

I am a rule follower. It bugs me when others don't. When others speed past me - I secretly hope they get caught but they don't. I won't race with them - because - I WOULD get caught. If I was to "get" away with breaking a rule- I don't feel good about it. It would keep me up at night. I don't spend my time thinking of ways to change the rules.
If I know the rules, then I will follow them- even if I don't like it.
But because it is a rule.

Pretty sad huh?

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Terrarium

The set-up.
This has been the project of the week. We were given this tank with parts sealed in to make a complete ecosystem. Basically, plants & animals working together in harmony. Yeah- right. OK the first problem was that it didn't come with any instructions. It had been sitting on a shelf in the science lab storage for uh...longer than I have been working there.
Second, the filter system seemed pretty small and the tank is missing a cover.
So, I take my not so large paycheck and blow it on "supplies" to make myself & the boys happy. The salesperson was more than eager to spend my money on the "right" things. I actually had to "buy" water plants because the ones in the nearby creek will have larvae of many insects that will destroy my pristine habitat. So I am told- Nooooooo icky bugs to contaminate!

So finally on Friday, after I let the tank run for 24 hours with out anymore leaking and the water actually moving around in the tank, we decided Sat will be the day for the critters.

Saturday, the tadpoles moved in with the goldfish. Goldfish in compartment two, tadpoles in the first compartment. Five small tadpoles and two bullfrog tadpoles are accounted for with two basic feeder goldfish. Water plants set - not dried up but floating and rooted. Air bubbler working and a cute little waterfall.
I praise myself - show off - the boys think I am the greatest Mom ever, etc..

Sunday- Hurray! Four of the five small tadpoles turned into Frogs about the size of your finger nail. We are so great! My new genesis!
New Frogs!

Shorty & Moe the bullfrog tadpoles.

Tuesday...One found floating upside down bullfrog tadpole named "Shorty" (left? in the picture) this morning. My 7 year old is crying in his cereal. Says I should have fed him more. M.I.A. two of the new frogs but the goldfish look fatter...
My water fall is now a trickle- "sounds like someone is peeing" states the 10 yr old.
What will tomorrow bring? stay tuned....

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Double Tagged - MEME

I was tagged by email by A.D. and online do another MEME series.
Secret Agent must think I am ready for an autobiography :) Easy girl... baby steps...

4 Facts About Me:
1. I am a no frills gal. I wear basic make-up, rarely wear a dress, air dry my hair, comfort is key and can't remember the last time I wore heels higher than 2 inches. If I do dress up- my dh notices...

2. I love animals. I try so hard to save them when they are sick or ageing. The unconditional love. They are so fascinating- they don't get caught up in politics- just the basic survival needs. When I was little (I guess still do now too) wish that could talk to animals. Currently our house is sporting- a leopard gecko, goldfish, hamster, tadpoles, small fresh water shark, and a dog.

3. I love to travel. Anywhere sounds good for a visit and learn about other cultures. But I like my home for grounding.

4. My favorite music is anything 80s. I so glad it is an "in" thing right now. "Like narly...."

4 Habits that I have:

1. I like to wear socks to bed. Can't sleep with cold feet...

2. If it is a good book then I read until I finish it. Even if it is 3 am.

3. Pineapple shouldn't be warm. It's is just a thing...

4. I think I am addicted to this blog stuff, one became three...

4 new things in the past 4 years

1. Adopting a baby is not as easy as you think...

2. There is ALWAYS another side to an issue. One story has two sides.

3. When you need help, you must ask for it. People are also busy and don't know everything.

4. Leopard geckos eat their shedded skin for extra calcium...

4 things to do in the next 4 years

1. Travel to China for adoption (it better happen within the next 4 years...)

2. Establish a volunteer routine

3. Go to Hawaii and study the volcanoes with a geologist

4. Learn to play Lacrosse with my kids. It is not as easy as you think to catch with that stick...

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The War of the Weeds!

I couldn't put it off any longer. I had to help save my plants from the weeds that have taken over. Last year too many things grew, bloomed, re-seeded and now it was garden chaos! Grasses taller than everything, missing plants, yellow flowers with the purple ones! They won many battles but I am determined to end this war.

It is quite remarkable how adapted most "weeds" are: they can grow under rocks, in between the the plants you want to keep, have prickly parts to keep from being pulled out, they have seeds the fly everywhere at the merest of a touch, and they also mimic looking like plants you already have. Some weeds even try to "look pretty" and bloom.

So the kids & I are pulling and digging. I even caught myself naming some of them; prickly weed, everywhere weed, long root weed, funky leaf weed, sneaky weed, where is your root weed, etc. Yes, the sun was getting a bit warm and the madness seemed to set in quickly at this chore.

Well, after three hours of clearing, I saved about a third of the flower bed. It was time for a break. It won't ever be done. It is kind of like laundry- the basket won't be empty for long because of the clothes you are wearing. The weeds will come back now that there is more room for them to grow.

Maybe I'll just turn it into a rock garden...

Sunday, June 10, 2007


A SECRET AGENT tagged me to do this ME ME. She has this really cool “thoughtful” blog so I know she is trying to get me to be more open on these things. Here is my first “opening…” it has been edited for my comfort level.

What is your salad dressing of choice? It varies but always on the side
What is your favorite fast food restaurant? Arby’s ( 5 items for $5.95 – I can feed myself & the kids)
What is your favorite sit-down restaurant? Chain- Olive Garden, Local -home
On average, what size tip do you leave at a restaurant? 20% or more- I get mixed up with numbers so I would rather go over then under. My work actually denied a tip from a work dinner because I put the decimal in the wrong place and actually gave a tip worth more than my dinner. No, I wasn’t drinking either and I can’t remember if he was cute or not.
What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of? Bread
What is your favorite type of gum? Orbitz peppermint – sugarfree only

What is your wallpaper on your computer? Hyacinth flowers from a picture I took this weekend.
How many televisions are in your house? 2
How do you listen to music? In the car.


What’s your best feature? My eyes. They are brown and honest – you can read me easily.
Have you ever had anything removed from your body? Nope- All connected.
Which of your five senses do you think is keenest? Nose. I can smell a hockey bag a mile away or in my basement – thank goodness for summer time to air things out!
When was the last time you had a cavity? Early twenties
What is the heaviest item you lifted last? 70 pound of 10 yr old sleeping – I won’t let him think he is too big to carry anymore.
Have you ever been knocked unconscious? Can’t remember….

If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die? Nope. It is going to happen. “treat each day as your last..”
Is love for real? Yes. You know this if you love someone or had a pet.
If you could change your first name, what would you change it to? Sam, Charlie- a name that sounds tom-boyish.
Have you ever swallowed a non-food item by mistake? Yes – dog hair, sand always at the beach.
Have you ever saved someone’s life? No, not that I know of.
Has someone ever saved yours? I believe in guardian angels.

What is in your left pocket? No pocket in these pants.
Is Napoleon Dynamite actually a good movie? Never saw it
Do you have hardwood or carpet in your house? both
Could you live with roommates? My Dh is all the roommate I can handle.
How many pairs of flip-flops do you own? Two.
Last time you had a run-in with the cops? Maybe 3 years ago when I was pulled over for allegedly going 5 over the 35 speed limit. No ticket was issued – Whew!
What do you want to be when you grow up? Film with Jeff Corwin from The Animal Planet – Be part of the camera crew.
Last friend you talked to? Darcy
Last person you called? Mom

First place you went this morning? Shower- No one speaks to Mother until she has had a shower to wake up.
What can you not wait to do? Be on summer break
What’s the last movie you saw? Pirates of The Caribbean 3.

Instructions are to nominate 5 blogs that I wish to bestow the "thinking" title to.
Bauerscience.com (not a blog but cool website – my colleague is way beyond me technically)
Ms. Dragonfly is quite thoughtful
A friend’s private cancer blog is quite inspiring

Instructions are to tag 5 people to participate in the MeMe.
Sorry to be strict but I don’t usually do chain letter type stuff publicly so
I am sending this on to 5 people via email and if they chose to do it they can post on their blog site. They will get the original since I deleted a few questions.