Ramblings as we journey through the rollercoaster called life!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Critter update

We had to go away last weekend for 4 days. The poor terrarium was in a fragile state. I am missing 4 of the new frogs. We actually think they are small sand toads because they don't seem to like the water. I did find two before I left - floating belly up. Also one of the bullfrogs did not make it either.
OK- so I left with worry - NOT about the house on fire or being robbed - but worried and hoped that the fish & frogs make it.

Sunday we rush to the terrarium. One bullfrog tadpole (Moe)with some good looking legs, one sand toad out of the water, and two fish. Good.

Then I looked over at my very established large goldfish tank (never had a problem) and see one very rotten dead algae eater. The water in my tank was a slight brown. Not good. All the other fish are on the bottom, not moving, gulping for some clean water. Really not good.

I removed the carcass and replaced the water. Over two days I am not able to get the pH right. Two of the three fish are moving but the third is still on the bottom. This was not to be the crisis of the week - there are surely more to come.

I am thinking of a newt that can be under water and out. This may be a better pet in the terrarium than the frog- toad things that keep disappearing.

My son's hamster has lost a bunch of fur. I am told this is a food allergy. I had been feeding him premium hamster delight. Now he is on basic lab tested pellets for a week to see if that helps. He looks awful.

I don't know why I care so much about these critters. I guess it is a test of nurturing. It is kind of scary- right now I am failing with a D+. It is that high because of the effort factor....


"M2" said...

OMG......... that's awful
the evolving tadpole frog things... where are they????

and if it's been 2 days and the goldfish is on the bottom of the tank still....perhaps it's time for a funeral no???

With creature.... when it rains it pours
life is all good here... and then one after another after another it goes.
I suggest you skip the fish and get a cat.
I have an extra one or two or 40 if you'd like :)

Elizabeth said...

Hey thanks for stopping by my place and leaving a comment.
Your place looks pretty groovy. I laughed at this "one very rotten dead algae eater". I have had to scoop one out ofmy yucky tank once. IT squished into two pieces as I tried to pick it up. YUK!