Ramblings as we journey through the rollercoaster called life!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Blah-Blah- talk - talk-

I was having blog-block...(hehe - sounds like a lotion)and decided to start rambling and see what happens.

First, I have talked with some of you about career changes. I need to get over this transition. I am driving my friends and family CRAZY! I am finding a heck of a lotta stuff about myself though. I am a "worker- bee" I like having a boss and some structure and direction. My amazement for those that have their own business. I would be Chapter 11 in a week.
I am generally a creative person. I work best with a partner to bounce things off of. I have a great teacher friend who we would walk and come up with some of the best activities to do in class. Of course a lot of work but we were both sadistically worker-bees.

I like routines. My class was structured- not rigid - some flexibility but enough that the students knew what to expect when they walked in. I did "surprised them with questions, demos, things like that but I wouldn't go to bed the night before until I had things all planed out- even if it was just mental notes.

Am I missing teaching? Yes and No. There is terrific energy working with middle schoolers. I miss that. I am not stressed out with grading and the testing of my patience.I needed a break. That is for certain. Unfortunately, I didn't rest over the summer to be ready for Sept.
I am calmer now in that respect (I am a bit of a spaz- but all self induced). I have more patience and time to answer my kids in complete sentences, look at their homework, sign papers, make the kids breakfast and lunches, not lose it as much when the kids start an argument. I am able to take that deep breath and start over.

Now, I am fretting about my role, the program, what I want or rather need to be doing to keep busy.
Remember this is a one year leave. I can go back next year but not in my exact position.
Too much to think about - I'll go get my camera and see if I can think about something else for awhile...therapy....
Thanks for reading/listening!


Anonymous said...

Hang in there, relax and enjoy your year....it will fly by!

"M2" said...

you could come help me with the farm for a year?????

insanemommy said...

Are you looking for ideas? I don't know where you live but I truly love selling new homes. It's such a rush for me. I love sitting and discussing with potential customer's the various house plans. I like the variety too. No two days are ever alike. Hours are great too. 10-6 or 11-5. Very electric atmosphere not to mention the compensation is awesome.