Ramblings as we journey through the rollercoaster called life!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

What to do....

First day of school was Tuesday. I was happy to send my kids off but I was lost without MY first day. For 14 years I would be in a dead panic on this day- first impression of the teacher! I missed it. At the end of the first day - I always knew it was going to be ok. Making dinner and laundry isn't going to cut it for me.

My dH has described my time off this year as a "chain smoker who has gone cold turkey." Yep that is me. I thrive on energy- Middle schoolers have a lot of it- so I am trying to work on a new mentor program for my middle school. Only problem is that everyone keeps telling me to "talk to this person" and "Read up the latest research." I feel that I have been doing a lot of meetings, listening and researching- but I need some ACTION.

Patience -right? hmmm. I think my adoption wait has tapped me for the moment on patience. Balance is key. I never had that under control while teaching.

OK so today is Wed. I went roller blading after dropping off the kids. Did more research in between appointments added more "ideas" to the ever growing list of possibilities. Not in the groove yet. Not much on paper as I hoped. I need to do this.


insanemommy said...

I'm impressed. Roller Blading. Hot.

Operationtigerlily said...

The last time I rollerbladed I had head to toe road rash by slamming face first into my neighbors garage door. Your posts about your grandparents crack me up. Enjoy your days, soon (a girl can dream) your babygirl will be here.