Ramblings as we journey through the rollercoaster called life!

Monday, September 10, 2007

I'm gushing...

Thank you thank you.. I was just awarded the "nice award." Me! Stop laughing some of you! NO I haven't been given this by a student- uhm... they love me but it is sooooo uncool to like give it to ya teacher.
Actually I was honored by Loud Secrets. I had been following her blog and another for about 6 months before even starting my own. She has the coolest ranch and I wish I could ride horses with the freedom she has. She seems so much better at expressing what we all feel though this adoption wait. She has been getting me to do more with the blog. I now have 3 blogs. One for adoption news, one for ramblings & fun and one for quilt square recognition. Yes- maybe I have multiple personalities but at least one of them is "nice."

Remember Sandra Bullock in Miss Congeniality at the end...that is how I feel...
Ahem...My speech- thank you to all the people that check in. One good turn deserves another. And peace and goodwill to all.

My dress would be something like this...Bring on the champagne, ladies and I will so "nice-ly" pour you a glass...

Thank you again.


I have thought about this post recently. I love analogies.Ms. Dragonfly- I am so inspired... So here it goes...
I was thinking how this adoption "situation" is like playing Red Rover- (I stunk at this game).
Those of us that have or will adopt are on one side and are connected by holding hands(red thread). The people that have been through this adoption before are like good brick walls. Many of us plant ourselves near them for advice and support. Others that are waiting to adopt can waiver. Our patience and determination seems to be tested. But still holding on to our dreams and hopes.

The other side is everything that is "happening" with adopting.Paperwork, regulations, referral batches (now that is a tough one!), politics and the children.

So here we are playing our "game". Trying to hold on and take it again. Some days are easier to be strong, others I am just hanging on. I never imagined this process would cause so much physical, emotional and spiritual pain and growth. Yes, I am stronger- (I should look like a heavy weight fighter by now). I have found tremendous support within friends next door and here in "blogland." Networking is good.

Hasn't it been said - "it is worth the wait?"


insanemommy said...

So true. It is worth the wait...

Yes, you are so deserving of the "nice" award. There are so many awesome people out here in bloggerland.

How did you know I had the dictionary out!? Lol......

Mamacita said...

I know you said you're not that into jewelry, but I could make you something really pretty to go with that dress.

"M2" said...

The dress is gorgeous dahlin.
You deserve the award.........I'm more the part where Sandra is tryin to look hot and trips and lands on her face.
either way.... we're both NICE
uh huh

Anonymous said...

You have three blogs? Are you kidding? You are good at balance. We should give you that award.

Nice dress. sexy!

Anonymous said...

You definitely deserve the award!

You have become a great new friend and the more I get to know you and peel back your layers, the more interesting you become!

Elizabeth said...

Do I really do many analogies?
I like your red rover visual.
Ya I talk to many of you guys more often than my real life in physical form friends. The support is amazing. Truly.

Operationtigerlily said...

You will look stunning in your frock. Nice.